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 Self-Love is Beautiful


I love celebrating women and her SPARKLE!
I love hard, because I had to fight for it! I didn't used to love ME, because I didn't know me. It has taken me more than 2 decades to develop the courage and confidence to love myself fully! The journey taught me who I was created to be and how to train my eyes to see that I am beautiful, powerful, valuable and purposely created to be me!  Through speaking, teaching and leading by example, I am passionate about guiding women through their own personal journey of self-discovery on the way to loving themselves fully!


Self-love isn’t selfish—it’s necessary. When you prioritize your well-being, you show up as your best, most radiant self in every area of your life.

 I love sisterhood and celebrating women!

I LOVE HARD! Like you, I wear a whole bunch of hats! I am a wife, mom, sister, mentor, speaker, podcaster, marriage & family champion and the chief cheerleader for women all over the world! I am super compassionate, a tiny bit animated, and very empathetic to the lives of people around me. I am a recovered people-pleaser and it has taken me more than 2 decades to develop the courage to be authentically ME without apologizing for my greatness!

I choose joy daily and love to elevate the energy of others around me simply by helping them believe in their own "personal amazing!"


Hello! It's

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When you don't understand the purpose of a thing...abuse is inevitable!

- Dr. Myles Monroe



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Trusted Relationship Coach

The Wife Wisdom podcast is a weekly REAL TALK conversation about THE REAL TRUTH - NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH ABOUT MARRIAGE & what being a WIFE is really like!


Wife Wisdom knows what you are dealing with. She's a familiar voice who understands your secrets and doesn't judge.

Wife Wisdom believes the best in you before you do!


“Christy has kept me married for 17 years! Her advice is great. She knows how to keep a marriage alive and how to pump your man up!”


My husband and I went to Christy and Adrian for advice during one of the toughest times in our marriage. The transparency and grounded wisdom they speak from is truly rare. Through their authenticity and knowledge, they gave us the perspective we needed to handle our conflicts and continue enjoy the FUN of married life!




Private Couples Coaching
There is great purpose in marriage!  

(For pre-married couples)

If you are dating and thinking about getting married, or are already engaged, preparing for marriage is one of the most important investments you can make before saying, "I do!" Marriage is not at all like dating or living together, there are so many more blind spots that every couple needs to know about before getting married! 


(For married couples)

In addition, when you are already in the thick of the ups and downs in marriage, it can be a battle! Don't suffer in silence! Do something NOW! Reach out! We can support you and help you walk through the crisis you are facing. 


Private Coaching for Women
“It is not your job to like me, it’s mine!”

Coaching with Christy starts the work! Christy helps you to uncover deeply rooted limiting beliefs and negative self-talk that you may not even know is there, but most likely is the culprit keeping you from living as your very best self!

Building Better Love Habits


Building Better Love Habits is an online 30 day challenge that positions you to uncover and discover your own personal blind spots regarding how you currently give and receive love. You will learn to build better love habits by understanding where your experience with love began, reframe your definition of love and release the negative emotions of your past to free you to love differently.




Christy's inspiration as a wife and woman of God helped me to acknowledge what I desired in a relationship and not be ashamed of what I DESERVED! Christy helped me learn to be honest with myself and learn to love me first . . . unconditionally.



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